Thursday, September 22, 2011

Officially I'm 23!

22nd September 1988.

Today, 22nd September 2011. I'm officially 23 years old.
Happy birthday Izma =)

Truthfully speaking, I did not remember my birthday because last night we were so busy editing some lesson plan to be submitted before next week. Pathetic enough right?

Well who cares. I still got some surprises for my birthday! Walaweh~

So here they are! *wink* ;

  • As I came back from my friend's room, I got a sms;
          Thanks for being the first one! Haha :-P

  • I also received other sms from Aya, Mas, Mcna and etc. Thank you so muchiesssss!   

  • Oh my mom made my day by sending this:

Thank you mama! I love you more than love! You're the best mom I ever have!

  • Hey guess what? I got 6 BAND T-SHIRTS from someone for my birthday present! Awww that's so awesome! Pretty cool enough! Yay!

  • After taking my morning bath, I rushed to take my food. When I tried to lock my room, I found that my keys are attached to something:  
  Omg!! It's very cute! Thank you so much Lin, only God knows how much I appreciate this! Im really thankful for your efforts and your time for making this cute love for me. Love you too!

  • Lastly, thanks for non-stop birthday wishes from my facebook friends. Really appreciate it. Thank you! ♥

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