Sunday, July 17, 2011


One for me, one for you. Eh did I just mention you? ;-)

the draft

I was being sketched by Rafe. For the first time someone did sketch the photo of mine and it's mouse sketch! Sob sob sob T.T *terharu*

the product!

Thank you so much Rafe. I really appreciate this! And I love it so so so muchhhhhhhh <3

Like tanda Sayang


  1. wahhhh..terror ek melukis.. ni melukis guna PC ke?..sebab ade mouse tu.. memang terror...!!

  2. nice! bulih suh rafe wat kat teha jugak :p

  3. kimz: ni bkn i yg lukis. ni my fren Rafe yg sketch. huhu. yup he is ;)

    cik tehaa: haha thanks. i'll tell him then :)

  4. aku tak baca.. tp kau pndi lukis?

  5. yela..maksud saya terror dia melukis... saya nak lukis pokok pun faill...hahhahaha

  6. hahahaha.. adoii.. cwiiitnye minah arab ni. kah3

    tolong lukiskan gambar aku sekali. hahahaha

  7. pert : hoi ko tipu. aku taw ko baca. haha. tak ah. aku takde bakat kot. ni membe aku yg pi lukis naa

    yuyu: suruh mejah ;P

    naim: thanks

    kimz: hee tu laa. same here. klu bab melukis hancuss

    soutul: malaih aku. ko tak hensem. hahahaha

  8. hoit. jgn panggil aku soutul. pggl r soutul mujahid atau SM. x hensem langsung nama itu

    hang malu nak ngaku aku ni kachak... kan???

  9. jadah pe nk malu. da mmg x hensem pn. puiii
