Okay back to the topic. Selalu kalau malam pertama suami kecoh je nak tau si isteri ni masih dara atau tak. Cuba kalau si isteri yang tanya: "Abang, abang ni teruna lagi dak?" Mak aiiihhh. Lepas tu mulalah tergagap-gagap nak jawab. Si isteri punyalah suci sampai pegang tangan lelaki pun tak pernah walhal si suami macam harem, Cina Melayu India Arab Niger semua dia pernah rembat. 1 Malaysia la katakan. Haa how about this one :
"Saya tokse kawen dengan awok sebab awok rajim tido dengan tino lain."
Phewww~ Walaweh. Statement tak leh blah, boleh pengsan wa cakap lu. Meleleh menangis air mata darah la jawabnye. Lol.
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gambar sekadar hiasan, tiada kaitan dengan entry |
Well Im not going to condemn any man or any woman as well. Dara ke, teruna ke, lantak hangpa la. But brothers and sisters, let me tell you something.
In Islam, what's in the past is forgiven with some conditions. First, you really do your tawbah (taubat nasuha) because of the deep regret. Second, you have to make promise that you will never repeat the same mistakes or sins again. During the time of Rasulullah (pbuh), there is one man called Ma'iz committed a zina. He confessed to Rasulullah s.a.w and he demanded that he'll be punished by his wrong doing. Then he was buried until the upper part of his body remained. All of para sahabat cursed him. Rasulullah s.a.w knew about that and said "Wallahi Ma' iz had done tawbah, if compared it's the same as all sahabah entered Jannah." Meaning here, walaupun Ma'iz tu pernah berzina, tetapi disebabkan dia telah bertawbah, ianya diibaratkan seperti seluruh sahabat masuk syurga.
Let's say one day korang dapat tahu yang suami or isteri korang pernah commit the wrong doing.You hate your husband/wife because he or she had done something wrong in the past and you said that "Everything about you is bad." But you forget about the best things that they did for you just because of their past mistakes. You never realize that even no one in this world can do the same as they did. My dear, sedangkan Rasulullah yang mulia mengampunkan ummatnya, apatah lagi kita insan biasa yang beriman taqlid, iman yang mudah rapuh dimakan anai-anai.
Oh come on beb. We are all sinners. What makes us different from each other is our Iman, Amal and our tawbah. Only Rasul and Nabi are maksum because their heart are cleaned. Thus, who are we to judge people?
When you did wrong doing and there's no one know about it, that's mean Allah covers you, you only have to do tawbah and don't reveal the sin because it's only between you and Allah. Tawbah is not for them who insist not to do the same sins. There's one hadith said that : "When tears dropped because of remembering Allah during night, insha Allah the hell fire will not touch you." When Allah gives you hidayah, that's mean He gaves you light. As you committed wrong doing, do tawbah and replace the dark spot in your heart with a good thing.You have to make U-turn 360 celcius to go back to Quran and sunnah.
One more thing, you don't want to marry that person because you afraid that he or she might be the wrong one. To make it clear, I once had asked my lecturer upon this thing:
Me: Ustaz, how to know whether he's the right one for me? I mean how to know that I don't make the wrong choice?
Ustaz: If you want to marry someone, there's some conditions that should be considered. First, you have to know his akhlak in the present. He might be a bad person in the past but if he changed, you can look into second condition. You have to know his religious duty as well, whether he did perform enough solat, fasting and so on. Second, check on his family whether he comes from the good Muslim family or vice versa. Third, know his friends and people around him. Next, I will continue later.. (he was rushing to go to other class :-P)
Beloved friends, ketahuilah bahawa cinta sejati itu ialah pada orang yang memahami masa silam anda, mempercayai masa depan anda, dan sedia menerima anda dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun.
"And in the end it's not the years in your life that count but life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln.
Baarakallahufikum fiiamaanillah, Allah Ya Kareem..
entri ini ade kaitan dgn idup sy..
ReplyDeleteerm..tx kak izma..byk mmbntu ni..
nice post... ;)
ReplyDelete: interesting..TQ
ReplyDeletekenapa ramai buat isu nie ehh ? hurmm
ReplyDelete*nanges aku baca entri kau nie
ReplyDeletetikus: saje, nk bg personal point of view. awat nangis wei? aku tak rase mcm sedih pn
ReplyDeleteem.... ni yang buat daku lagi payah nak kahwin ni....
ReplyDeletegood n3..semua org patut bace this thing..nk share boleh x jenna?
ReplyDeleteape pon kalo dah nak berubah tu..alhamdulillah dah tu..smoga dpemudahkan segalanya bagi yang nak berubah mencari redho yang maha kuasa..
ReplyDeletebetul2.. tak semestinya dulu jahat, akan datang pun jahat.. yang penting dia dah menyesal dan menjadi yang lebih baik di masa hadapan....
ReplyDeleteche pi: kalau dah ada jodoh jgn ditolak :)
ReplyDeletepiqa: yup sure, but with copyright from evagurl.com. and my link
jiji yu: agreed :)
amni: btol. kadang2 yang bertaubah itu lebih baik dr yang sedia ada :P
yes sis sgt setuju. If pasangan kte buat silap pd masa silam tp cuba utk berubah..kte terima 'the new version' of him or her kan. thanks izma. love it! ;)
ReplyDeleteterimalah pasangan kita seadanya dia. and we can forgive and forget the past. Past is past, kalau kita menyesal macam mana pun kan, tak berguna, unless kita taubat macam yang sys cakap ni kan ;)
ReplyDeletei do like this entry n good writing as well
ReplyDeletebtw, dah jadi model eh skrg ni? hehe
wahahahaha! saya sokong sama awak!! hahahah
ReplyDeleteanyway,laki de truna,erm,ramai kan~~ lalallala
SY teruna!! sya teruna!!!
Tengok sendiri cara lelaki treat pompuan untuk g main.. hahha
nanie: u r most welcome :)
ReplyDeletefaa: yup, forgiven is the best cure of heart :)
acap: hoip! ke mana kam0 menghilang. lame gile dowh tak contact ko. haha. walaweh. model mende nye. im still the same :)
hazhand: saya teruna, saya ok. hahahaha :P
Nice :)
ReplyDeleteI just love to read ur blog. Hihi.
interesting topic. love it :)
ReplyDeletezahirah: hey hey mrs faiz ;) thank u so much for reading :)
ReplyDeleteuna: me love it as well. haha :P
i love the post and i agreed.
ReplyDeletei met this guy, once, and he told me that he's not a virgin at our first date.
i'm not surprised though. since we live in modern city like USJ....
i accepted him the way he was, and make sure he change for the better.
but God knows what's better for me. we broke up 2 years ago and now i'm engaged to a better man..
Allah knows what's better for us. that's all i can say.
i love the post and i agreed.
ReplyDeletei met this guy, once, and he told me that he's not a virgin at our first date.
i'm not surprised though. since we live in modern city like USJ....
i accepted him the way he was, and make sure he change for the better.
but God knows what's better for me. we broke up 2 years ago and now i'm engaged to a better man..
Allah knows what's better for us. that's all i can say.
zaira: yup, Allah had chosen the best for you. Insha Allah =D
ReplyDeletePeace be upon you, may God bless both of you. lots of love ;)
nice entry :)
ReplyDeletehahaha...weh...korang nak cek cam ner ea?
ReplyDeletecam ner korang nak taw laki tu ada teruna ke x??
laki hilang teruna x nampak...perempuan hilang dara,,,hurm2x...memang ada kesan la...hahah...
sbb tu...perempuan nie...mcm mutiara...kene jaha elok2...dari kecik lagi dah kene jage diri...jgn nak jadi bangang...laki mintak ..teros kasi...hurm2x...
laki nie pon mcm setan,,yg rosakkan anak orang tu...ko ingat la...nanti korang ada anak gak...waktu muda2..pandai rosakkan anak orang,,,nanti ko tunggu dah tua,,,tau la ko rasa perit tu cam ner...
aq cuma nak ingatkan je kat perempuan2 nie...susah la nak cari lelaki baik2...korang kene jage diri korang...laki nie pandai ambik kesempatan,..dia rosak x leh nampak...klo perempuan boleh nampak...korang jage diri elok2...
ingat dosa zina tu...
Ustaz osman kabuye. Lama tak jumpa. Kena pi uia ni. Member kamcing dulu