Friday, February 8, 2013

One drop of tears

Dear diary,

Today I checked my pupils' homeworks. There's a lot of them who didn't finish the homework that I gave to them last Friday. Then I asked them to stand up while I told that I was very disappointed with them because this was not the first time the same thing happened. 

Suddenly a girl in front hold her friend's hands and she's almost fainted. Without thinking much I asked her to sit on her chair and gave her some water before I asked the rest of the class to have their seats as well. After that the bell was ringing for recess time. So I asked her to go to canteen and bought some food but she told me that she didn't bring any money. I gave her some and asked her again to eat something before the recess end.

Later in teacher's room I asked the class teacher about her. One of the teacher who was also there told me that she came from a very poor family. Sometimes when they have some food, they will be able to eat. But if there's no food left then they have to fast until few days. Sometimes there's some kind villagers who will give some money or food to them so that they can have proper meals. But most of the times they are only afford to eat a little rice with egg or just a place of rice by itself.

When I go home, I cry like there will be no tomorrow. From the first day being here made me feel like I'm one of the unlucky people who has nothing to be proud of and I can't even accept the fact that there'll be lot of things I can't get here (including most delicious food I always have). I forgot to say, to thank Allah how grateful I am for the breathe that I can have until now, for everything that I have. Yet, I don't even notice that there's my pupils, my own pupils could not even get enough food every day, sometimes they have to drink only water to fill in their stomach when it gets bloated. Can you imagine that?

For all my friends outside who are in the same shoes, we might face the same situation and hard life as well. But remember, we are here because we're chosen by Allah, He knows the best. He believes in us. 

For others, when you feel like you are the worst and the most unlucky person in the word, just remember those children who don't even have beautiful and proper clothes to be worn, no food to eat, no good house to live, just their own selves.

Be grateful, be thankful.

"Guru; kerjanya adalah pahala sepanjang zaman. - beloved father, 2013."

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  1. Yep, give thanks to Allah, we are lucky to be born like this.

  2. we should be grateful for having a comfortable life . alhamdulliah .

  3. Alhamdulillah..kita tak pernah putus mkn..kekadang kerjanya hanya makan..
    tetibe teringat pengalaman pergi beberapa kg org asli..mcm tu laa mereka..kalau ade makanan bru mereka mkn, takde duduk je diam2.. kasihan sgt..mereka bkn setakan kasi pagi mkn pagi kais ptg mkn ptg, tp kais pg ptg belum tentu dpt mkn lg..

    "Guru; kerjanya adalah pahala sepanjang zaman. - beloved father, 2013."
    suke quote ni..mak saya selalu cakap.. but i'm not laa kak..

    1. huu tulah.. kesian mereka yg kurang berkemampuan.. kadang2 rasa tak sanggup nak berada di sini sebab di kelilingi orang susah membuatkan akak rasa down yg teramat.. simpati dgn nasib mereka :(

      takpe.. cimot pun akan memiliki kerjaya yang menuju ke jalan Allah jugak nanti, asalkan kamu sentiasa ikhlaskan diri dan mencari rezeki yang halal. Insha Allah hidup akan datang sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki dan diberkati :)

  4. Alhamdulillah.. Thank you Allah. im not a good servant but Allah give me many chances in life.

  5. aku setuju dgn ayat yg last tu..:)

    1. tak..tapi aku bercita2 nak jadi cikgu..daripada dulu sampai skg..

  6. terus terang cakap, aku dulu pun kategori macam anak murid kau jugak..pegi sekolah tapi xde duit makan..kalau bawak duit pun, just rm0.50 cukup2 utk tambang bas..rm0.50 tu masa aku form 5 la..masa sekolah rendah xbawak duit pun..sebab arwah mak sediakan bekal..

    nak kata susah macam budak2 tu, aku rasa tidak..maybe aku senang sikit kot sebab hari2 still dapat makan nasik..Alhamdulillah..but then, aku 'nampak' macam mana kehidupan yg susah tu sebab aku sendiri pernah hidup susah..

    aku percaya kawasan pedalaman kat sabah sana masih ramai lagi yg hidup lebih susah drpd apa yg terpapar kat Bersamamu TV3 tu..

    1. sedih aku baca cite ko.. teringat kehidupan ayah aku masa kecil.. huhu.. memang rata2 hidup susah kan.. tapi tak semua orang betul2 memahami keadaan dan kehidupan mereka, unless bila kita berada pada tempat mereka dan pernah merasai seperti yg mereka rasa, baru kita paham apa itu erti secebis rezeki. aku bersyukur sebab masih berupaya mendapatkan makanan yang cukup untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga.. harap2 kemiskinan kt msia ni dapat di kurangkan dari masa ke semasa
