Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Good morning teacher!

Now we are going to learn Science in BM.

Hardware = barangkeras
Software = baranglembut
Joystick = batang gembira
Plug and Play = cucuk dan main
Port = lubang
Server = pelayan
Client = pelanggan

Okay beloved students. Now let's us try to translate this:

That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client.

Now in BAHASA:
Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.”

Excellent. Brilliant. Very Good.
::thumbs up::


Nowaday most of the Science references in the internet or book are written and publish in English language. I strongly agreed that Science and Mathematics should be teach in English, not in Malay language. How dangerous it will be if we try to use Bahasa, especially in school. You already see the proof above. What's the use of changing the policy if it is leading to the improvement? According to Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim, education policies need to be well thought-out for the long term, and we cannot afford to have new policies with each new minister. Think about it people, your children future are in your hands.

p/s: For all teachers out there, do not use your mother tongue to teach English. Educate your students to get used with the language rather than translating the words to make them understand the lesson. As the old wise man said: ~

"Cuai seorang doktor hilang satu nyawa,
Cuai seorang pemimpin rosak sebuah organisasi,
Cuai seorang GURU musnah satu GENERASI."

*credit to HEadACHE for the 'lesson' above*

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  1. a'ah la kak. betul gak ape yg akak cakap ni. saye tak pnah lak terpikir......

  2. a'ah la kak. betul gak ape yg akak cakap ni. saye tak pnah lak terpikir......

  3. betul tuw.. guru adalah arkitek generasi masa depan.. jika rosak generasi, maka musnahlah negara.. betapa besarnya pengorbanan guru, tp guru sekarang di'hina' oleh anak didik sendiri, rasa hormat dah x da.. sume nak jd doktor, sume nak jadi scientist.. cuba tanya sapa nak jd cigu? mungkin anak2 kecik tahun 80-an yg jawab saya....

  4. emieysandra: hoho tunggu the next lesson ;P

    jiji: mungkin :)

    azie: haaa kan kan kan?

    aimaniman: yup. agreed with u. skrg pn yg nk jd cikgu kebanyakannye tak ikhlas. amik kursus cikgu pn sbb senang nk dpt keje. pdhal tanggungjawab tolak ke tepi. adei

  5. nasibla sorg nyawa je cmpare satu generation :p
